Further, he can collect rocket fart power-ups that jettison him across a lot of terrain very quickly, and a nuclear fart powerup that can destroy any hunters in the immediate area. Fortunately, Bambo is nimble and has strafing capability. When a hunter sees Bambo, the encounter devolves into an all-out dogfight.

Bambo does well to sneak up on the human, hiding in shrubbery where available. When a hunter enters the terrain, the music changes and Bambo uses either the hunter's voice for tracking, or a radar fart power-up. He can lay out lures such as pizzas or beer, or he can use any of a number of humorous calls, or he can find a broccoli power-up which affects a magnet fart. IMDbPro All topics Deer Avenger Video Game 1998 T IMDb RATING 7.6 /10 19 YOUR RATING Rate Action Comedy A parody of the Deer Hunter series of video games, Deer Avenger casts the player as the deer Bambo, hunting the hunters. Bambo runs around in search of hunters to engage. In Deer Avenger 2, our hero is taken from heartbroken to hell-bent in the blink of an eye when a few moronic hunters Hold on, folks Somebody done ticked off that deer again, and this time its personal Doctor Doolittle said it best ,'Hell hath no fury like a deer scorned.' How true it is. The action takes place in a large, open, 3D space with fog and running streams that can be waded through the camera follows just behind the hero deer. Bambo uses these doorways to magically teleport to the hunting grounds. There is a trophy room and passageways to wildernesses in 4 different states. Bambo begins in his decked out bachelor pad of a cave which is equipped with a widescreen, wall-mounted television on which he can view game credits or the intro movies for any of the 4 Deer Avenger games. Unlike the previous episodes, there isn't much backstory this time just an no-holds-barred competition between the deer and the hunters. Bambo is back for another round against the redneck hunters in Deer Avenger 4: The Rednecks Strike Back.